Between the anthropomorphization of machines and the technomorphization of man
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Submission date: 2023-05-08
Final revision date: 2023-10-04
Acceptance date: 2023-10-04
Publication date: 2023-10-31
JoMS 2023;52(3):24-38
In this text, we are interested in two opposing processes inherent in functioning in the technological reality. The first of them is the anthropomorphization of machines, hence we problematize its causes and social consequences, on the other hand, the subject of our interest is the opposite phenomenon - actually absent in theoretical reflection, which is the technomorphization of man.
Material and methods:
The article is of a meta-theoretical nature, and its aim is to systematize knowledge about the anthropomorphization of machines, its causes and effects, as well as to define the concept of human technomorphization, to show the manifestations of technomorphic thinking, as well as the resulting consequences.
We anthropomorphize machines to minimize fears towards them, tame the unknown and incomprehensible. More and more often we feel Promethean shame towards them, which alienates us from the products of our own work. Although we are delighted with the possibilities of technology, the potential for self-improvement, we forget how inhumanly imperfect it makes us at the same time, how much it takes away our agency, decision-making, reflectiveness and criticism.
Technomorphic man, although effective, is at the same time less and less human, less and less human. Through preoccupation with his own effectiveness and reliability, he becomes an emotional zombie. In focusing attention on efficiency, we forget that we are not machines and to survive we need to be people, to be with people, to allow our own fragility and imperfection.
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