Polish family in the context of migration.
Socio-cultural areas of functioning
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Pedagogiki
Publication date: 2014-12-31
JoMS 2014;22(3):11-28
Globalisation and related economic and social changes have seriously
transformed the traditional family structure. The topic of my dissertation
is the context of migration creating a one of a kind cohabitation, family
relations and situation of the children referred to today as euro-orphans.
The idea of a transnational family or transnational parenthood indicates
a change of the social role of the parent. Transformation of the present
stationary family model into a mobile family is simultaneously a cultural
change. It is manifested by communication via media rather than direct relations,
by slackening of family ties, emotional deprivation resulting from
feeling bereft, and by family disintegration. Consequently, it leads to family
dysfunction or even breakdown. Besides profits, migration generates enormous
mental and social costs resulting from separation between the child
and the parents. Therefore, we are facing a problem of providing economic
support to the family and upsetting its stability at the same time.