Appeal against the decision of the hunting association regarding the exclusion from among its members. Selected process aspects
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Submission date: 2018-11-30
Acceptance date: 2019-05-30
Publication date: 2019-07-24
Corresponding author
Katarzyna Woch   

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
JoMS 2019;41(2):209-220
The aim of the article is to present analyze, as provided for in the provisions of the Hunting Law Act, appeals against the decision of the hunting asssciation regarding the exclusion from among its members as an institution of procedural law, different from classical appeals. The article attempts to determine the essence of membership in a hunting assocition in legal terms. The issues of the jurisdiction of the court authorized to hear the appeal were presented, taking into account the legislative changes made in this respect. Moreover, the analysis of the conditions for the admissibility of substantive examination of the appeal by a common court was carried out. The last part of the article attempts to define the nature of the appeal as a procedural document and to define its formal requirements.

Material and methods:
The article was prepared on the basis of a dogmatic, legal and historical method. The articles, the Statute of the Polish Hunting Association and case law were used to prepare the article. So far, no article or no monograph on the analyzed matter has been created.

The result of the study of the subject taken is the preparation of the first article concerning, provided for in Article 33 para. 6 Hunting Law, appeals.

The provision of art. 33 para. 6 of the Hunting Law introduces a special appeal against the resolutions on exclusion from the circle of members of the hunting club, which is the appeal. The appealed remedy shows some differences from the classic appeals provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure, i.e. appeals and appeals. appropriate application of the provisions of Article 368 k.p.c., to clarify all the necessary elements of the Appeal as a qualified pleading, is insufficient.
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