Objectives: The article analyzes the legal and sociological responsibility of each parent for the upbringing of their children.
The main aim of the article was to show how social changes influence the shape of legal provisions and their interpretation in the field of parental responsibility of both parents.
Material and methods: dogmatic - legal method
legal hermeneutics
examination of legal norms in the field of definitions and concepts as well as their systemic location.
The European Union law has been selectively analyzed - the provisions of legal acts and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in the context of parental responsibility or family ties.
Results: Responsibility for the upbringing of the child by each parent is the result of the actual implementation of the rights, rights and obligations towards the child. European Union law in the field of legal acts and ECHR jurisprudence follows the needs of the modern family, but to implement a profound change in the understanding of the individual responsibility of each parent, a cultural change that we are witnessing is necessary.
Conclusions: The main conclusion of this article is the pursuit of the individualisation of the exercise of parental authority by both parents and the striving to build and maintain the child's family ties with each parent individually.
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