The presence of digital media in the evangelizing mission of the Church according to Praedicate Evangelium
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The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Submission date: 2023-07-17
Final revision date: 2023-10-01
Acceptance date: 2023-10-15
Publication date: 2023-10-31
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Romanko   

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
JoMS 2023;52(3):682-694
The article will attempt to answer the following questions: How does the Church legislator provide for the possibility of using digital media in the Church’s evangelizing mission? Does the legislator indicate any guidelines that should be followed in the use of digital media?

Material and methods:
The article will use the sources of law and available literature on the subject. Historical-legal and dogmatic-legal methods will be used.

While analyzing the subject matter the evangelizing mission of the Church will be characterized in the first place in the context of the apostolic constitution Praedicate Evangelium. Next, the Dicastery for Communication in the structure of the Holy See will be characterized, as well as the types and tasks of digital media as tools for the evangelizing mission of the Church.

The Church’s evangelizing mission is the fulfillment of the mission that Jesus Christ left to the Church he founded. The principles of the Gospel are immutable, while the manner and forms of its preaching may be modified due to the circumstances of time and place. Nowadays the Church also uses digital media in its evangelizing mission. However, they should always remain in the service of the Truth, which all people are obliged to seek.
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