Negative implications of internet pornography use exemplified by the helpline experience
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UMCS w Lublinie
Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Submission date: 2022-02-19
Final revision date: 2022-03-31
Acceptance date: 2022-05-06
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Corresponding author
Marlena Wanda Stradomska   

UMCS w Lublinie
JoMS 2022;48(1):541-556
Objective This article is an attempt to summarize the risks associated with this relatively new phenomenon of pornography. The work has a theoretical and practical dimension, because in addition to the theoretical part and a review of the available literature, the aspects related to the presentation of selected examples of case studies from the authors' psychological practice concerning the activity on the help telephone were dealt with. Material and methods This initiative started in March 2020 when he started working remotely due to the coronavirus. The phone was intended mainly for UMCS students. The work presents an example of a case study of a 29-year-old woman in the aspect of psychological difficulties after using a pornographic film without her consent. An additional example will be the question of the addiction of a 31-year-old man to pornography and the reduction of reproductive possibilities. Results As part of the UMCS help line, over 165 consultations were made with people willing to consult in the psychological aspect. This amount is for the period March 2020 - July 2021. These activities are free of charge. They are addressed mainly to students of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, but also to graduates, administration employees and other people related to the university, e.g. parents of students. Conclusions The issue of sexuality, procreation and pornography inspire many social and psychological studies. Undoubtedly, however, this is an issue that requires a lot of awareness from researchers and Internet users. It is important to note some issues regarding, for example, how to record pornographic films, the actors, including their age, and possible consents to use the recordings on a larger than their own scale.
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