The national, regional and global dimension of the copyright trade on the Internet
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Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania
Publication date: 2015-06-30
JoMS 2015;25(2):351-368
The dynamic expansion of the transnational copyright market on Internet changes the manner of distribution and use of intellectual property. This paper analyses the process of the development of the transnational and international copyright market. The author points out that the dynamic transformation process became a distinctive feature of the copyright trade. Therefore, a static determination of a given market needs to be complemented with an analysis focused on its development trends (economic, technological, socio-cultural) in terms of their impact on the barriers to access to the market. In this context, legal barriers need to be given special consideration. The market of copyrightable intellectual property includes actions, goods and services that are subject to national law and have both economic and cultural relevance. Th ey enjoy legal protection mainly because they convey identity, values and meanings rather than due to their mere market value. Hence, in the process of geographical market defi nition the rules for the protection of IP set out in the EU Treaty, in the constitutions of the individual Member States, in copyright laws and regulations and culture law in the broad sense of the term should be taken into consideration. At the same time, the individual and public interests in respect of the creative activity need to be balanced.
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