Multidimensional comparative analysis of the number of students in Poland
with the view to the demographic crisis and its impact on social security
Military University of Technology
Zaznaczeni autorzy mieli równy wkład w przygotowanie tego artykułu
Data nadesłania: 10-06-2024
Data ostatniej rewizji: 18-12-2024
Data akceptacji: 23-12-2024
Data publikacji: 29-12-2024
JoMS 2024;60(6):105-130
The article presents the original multidimensional comparative analysis of the number of students in terms of their population in Poland with the view to the demographic crisis and its impact on the acceptable level of social security. The demographic low in Poland is one of the largest in the European Union and the largest after the Second World War.
Material and methods:
The research would be based mainly on the analysis of available studies and materials enabling the review and organization of information concerning the demographic crisis, the transformation of the family model and the reorganization of the education system. Primary research focused on statistical analyzes of total fertility rate, including births and deaths, marriages and divorces, and the number of children in educational institutions.
Primary data on the number of students were grouped into voivodeships, school types and compared with the population in particular age groups. Additionally, the human population was divided into two groups of dependent variables: the number of people in cities and rural areas - men and women in particular age groups. The lack of a symmetrical distribution between the number of women and men in Poland is particularly visible in the group over 62 years of age.
The visible decline in the number of students in particular age groups from 0 to 19 years in institutions such as kindergartens, primary and secondary schools compared to the current number of people constituting the Polish workforce in particular age groups from 20 to 65 years indicates a reduction in the number in the future employees in every sector of the economy. That, as a result, will have a direct impact on both state finances and the education system in Poland, which will be reduced by teaching staff and students dynamically.
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