Objectives: The aim of the article is to present the characteristics and analytical potential of artificial intelligence in the area of security analysis. The text is to help answer the following research questions:
• What are the characteristics of analytical imagination identified as a tool that could be used by artificial intelligence in security analyses?
• In what circumstances is artificial intelligence able to take into account the characteristics of the intelligence cycle in the generated answers and studies?
• Which features of contextual thinking and critical thinking pose a challenge to artificial intelligence, and which are the field of its cognitive advantage over humans?
Material and methods: Critical analysis, literature analysis
Results: Analytical imagination consists of two mutually conditioning and partially overlapping elements: contextual thinking and critical thinking. Both of these concepts have their specific properties due to the specificity of the security domain. In this context, it is crucial to understand security as a social process, i.e. a dynamic, variable, fluid phenomenon that requires specific tools from the analyst. This poses a real challenge for artificial intelligence.
Conclusions: The text discusses a total of twelve features of analytical imagination used in the security domain – five related to contextual thinking and seven related to critical thinking. In total, out of twelve features/variables that make up analytical imagination, artificial intelligence already functions efficiently (or will function efficiently soon) in practically all of them.
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