Employee monitoring in the workplace and the protection of privacy and personal data in employment law- selected issues
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Publication date: 2014-12-31
JoMS 2014;23(4):141-156
With the development of modern technology, an increase in employers’ interests in various forms of controlling workers has been observed despite the fact that Polish law, with the exception of regulations concerning the protection of personal rights, does not regulate these issues in detail. Meanwhile, the range of acceptable controls of employees in the workplace raises serious questions, both legal and practical. First of all, it points to the conflict between the two values, i.e. on the one hand there is the subordination of an employee and the associated rights of the employer to control the employee with the use of modern surveillance techniques. On the other hand, there is the right of employees to privacy. The article analyses the rules governing the scope of personal data obtained by the employer in the employment process. The purpose of this article is to determine the scope of permissible control of the worker in the workplace under Polish legal regulations for the protection of personal data, the protection of privacy and the assessment of conformity of Polish worker protection standards with European legislation.
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