Mobbing in the practice of Polish enterprises – recognizability of the phenomenon
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Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytet Gdański
Publication date: 2018-04-19
JoMS 2018;36(1):235-251
Systematic, permanent, time-staggered hostile behavior towards an employee are just some of the features of the phenomenon known as mobbing. Such behaviors lead to mental and often physical destruction. We meet with them every day because it has been accompanied by hostility since the beginning of its existence, as an emotion, and the need to acquire and overcome. The motives of applying such behaviors depend not only on the internal characteristics of the human being that enable him to meet his needs. In a professional environment, it is the lack of appropriate rules of mutual coexistence, consent to such behavior by concealing their occurrence as well as deliberate actions. The article presents the phenomenon of mobbing in the practice of Polish enterprises. It indicates what is mobbing and what behaviors are legally recognized as mobbing. It presents the size of this phenomenon in Poland, its causes as well as the effects of using mobbing for an employee and an entrepreneur. In this article, the author is based on the literature available in this area, compares the research conducted by CBOS in 2002 and 2014, as well as the research by HR Sedlak & Sedlak, from 2015, and tries to complement this multidimensional problem with its perception by the serial employees.
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