Cooperation mechanisms between local self-government units of radom’s subregion with clusters and with business - based on author’s own research
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University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Publication date: 2014-09-30
JoMS 2014;22(3):401-415
This study is devoted to the existing mechanism of cooperation of Local Self-Government Units (LGUs) of the Radom’s subregion with clusters and business. This article is based on author’s research as presented in the final report Free Examination of existing sub-regional cooperation mechanisms between Radom’s local self-government and business clusters within the project “Orchestra” implemented under Priority VIII - Regional human resources, Measure 8.1 Development of staff and enterprises in the region, Sub-measure 8.1.2 Support for adaptation and modernization in the region. This article is based on up-to-date sources of information on the sub-region and on Radom. In the course of the study author used the database of Regional Data of the Central Statistical Office, including Statistical Handbook of Local Self-Government. A valuable source of information for individual districts were the information on their official websites and policy documents of individual municipalities and counties. For the purposes of this study the research tool was applied in the form of a survey questionnaire.
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