Ludic, cognitive, social value of computer games in the context of challenges for the learning environment of the child
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Katedra Informatyki i Metod Komputerowych Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie
Publication date: 2015-12-31
JoMS 2015;27(4):81-92
The Internet has set not only a new dimension of virtual entertainment but also a new dimension of virtual education, in which may well serve computer games. In terms of cognitive development are visible positive aspects of computer games. Games stimulate reflexes, hand-eye coordination, improve skills of the player in many other dimensions. Nowadays, virtual entertainment in the “online world” is also a way to communicate with other games participants (for exchange of views and cooperation in the game), capturing trophies (an extra element of competition) and improving the knowledge and skills using online forums or social networking sites. Computer games can also help in the treatment of people who have had serious illnesses, and among other things: the rehabilitation of stroke, the elderly, or people who needed correction of disturbed vegetative functions. It allows to control waves produced by the brain: alpha, beta and delta, thus providing a treatment of such disorders as, among others, ADHD, learning difficulties or other forms of therapy, such as: stress reducing or stimulating of creativity. On the other hand, computer games – especially those with developed social features – creating more and more new threats. This text shows the problems of computer games under their new values and new threats. In addition, it stimulates reflection on the good use of computer games in education and especially in its early stages.
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