The aim of empirical analyses was to identify the level of the adaptivity of families from a perspective of a child who has found him- or herself in one of the following situations: one parent has migrated, both parents have migrated without taking the child with them, or an entire family has migrated.
Material and methods
In total 320 children of Polish descent were subjected to the study. They lived in Poland (N=200) or in the Netherlands (N=120) and experienced economic migration of the members of their family or of their entire families.
The results of the research revealed that most migrant families subjected to the study (both in the Polish and the Dutch sample) fall into the structured and flexible systems exhibiting characteristics that are relatively beneficial for a child’s social and psychological development.
The presented research results make it possible to formulate indications regarding institutional and legal support for families and children in case of both emigration and return to the homeland. Initial actions may be directed towards the creation of environmental forms of compensating separation, followed by the creation of the environmental system of assistance which would be preventive in nature and involve reaching people who plan migration and assist them before they actually move out of Poland
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