Legal Security of Parties in the Aspect of Dispute Settlement in the World Trade Organization
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Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland
Submission date: 2024-07-22
Acceptance date: 2024-09-02
Publication date: 2024-10-16
Corresponding author
Wojciech Konaszczuk   

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland
JoMS 2024;59(Numer specjalny 5):102-116
One of the basic elements of world order is properly functioning legal systems of individual states. The Sars-Covid pandemic and armed conflicts around the world, including those involving Europe, have strained the certainty of legal transactions in the countries of the UN system and the need to seek new supranational solutions, especially in the field of international trade. The pillar of security is therefore becoming instruments of international law, with the World Trade Organization in mind. A special tool of this organization are the dispute settlement mechanisms to which member states must adhere. In the conducted research, the thesis was put forward that one of the guarantors of the security of legal transactions is the resolution of disputes using the basic legal tools of this organization. It was proved that disputes between states themselves become solvable if they are transferred to the WTO.
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