Desirable employer image-shaping
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PIUMA Reklama
Publication date: 2015-12-31
JoMS 2015;27(4):309-322
This working paper concerns employer branding issues, which occur to be pretty fresh term in human resources management. It covers any company efforts aimed at job market status enhancement and corporate image-building. Its strategy main goal is to ensure enterprise skillful manpower, which, influenced and motivated effectively, is capable to establish and maintain strong, stable relations with outer stakeholders. Currently, to meet such a challenge, modern business environment enforces certain virtue: it looks like a key workmanship to gather and manage a competent team. Employers notice and appreciate corporate image rational impact, which results in growing interest in employer branding subject. Based on secondary research this article is pointed at indicating crucial factors to become desirable employer. Its purpose is to pick up enterprise benefits which derive from long-term employer branding strategy on Polish market.
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