The Concept of a Talent Management System in the Example of a Selected Enterprise
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Lublin University of Technology
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Submission date: 2023-11-30
Acceptance date: 2023-12-06
Publication date: 2023-12-18
Corresponding author
Jakub Bis   

Lublin University of Technology
JoMS 2023;54(Numer specjalny 5):547-563
The aim of the article is to diagnose the readiness of the examined enterprise to implement a talent management system and (if the hypothesis is confirmed) to develop an appropriate plan.

Material and methods:
The research team decided to use a survey research method, employing a questionnaire consisting of 6 sections covering various aspects of the organization's functioning. The recruitment process, internal communication, employee potential, company atmosphere, managerial processes, and work system were examined. The questionnaire contained 49 questions. It was distributed to all employees of the organization, and over 75% (104) of them completed it.

Based on the conducted research on the readiness of the examined enterprise to implement a talent management system, it can be stated that the organization faces significant challenges that require a comprehensive approach to human resource management. The research revealed a low employee engagement in internal recruitment and insufficient utilization of their potential, indicating the need to develop individual development plans. Additionally, the current deficiencies in internal communication and the operationalization of the company's strategic goals require immediate attention.

The research results show that the enterprise requires decisive actions in the areas of communication, talent management, and employee motivation. The proposed talent management program, developed based on empirical research and employee suggestions, has the potential to significantly improve these areas. Its implementation can contribute to increasing employee engagement and satisfaction and to the long-term success of the enterprise through better utilization of the competencies and innovative potential of human resources.
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