Communication in the situation of treatment - medical staff and patient - suicidological approach
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Submission date: 2019-06-21
Acceptance date: 2020-02-04
Publication date: 2020-07-21
JoMS 2020;44(1):29-42
The main objective of the conducted research was to indicate the most important elements regarding communication in the treatment situation, including the white personnel-patient relationship. Taking into account in particular the suicidal situation, which is still treated as a taboo subject.
Material and methods:
This article will present reports from our own research carried out from 2016 to the present in the framework of the activity of the Polish Suicidology Society - Lublin Branch. The subjects are people with mental disorders who reported to the Society for psychological consultations. The research group consists of parallel groups - women and men (n = 100), mainly from the Lublin and Lesser Poland voivodships.
On the basis of the analysis of the research material and the collected literature, the following practical conclusions can be formulated:
- there is a need to direct more social campaigns regarding the issue of communication in the hospitalization situation,
- too few social campaigns are directed directly to patients, their relatives and medical staff, which should be implemented in order to broaden knowledge about the elementary aspects related to hospitalization,
- white staff does not have adequate knowledge (or does not have enough),
- medical staff has inappropriate skills to work with people with suicidal tendencies,
- medical, nursing and other studies should emphasize the aspect of psychological preparation that would facilitate the work of medical personnel.
Therefore, the work has a theoretical and practical dimension in relation to the attached elements concerning projection methods, with the help of which more information can be obtained from the research group.
Communication in the context of hospitalization and treatment is a very complex aspect.
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