LETS (Lung Electrical Tomography System) is an innovative medical system enabling comprehensive heart and lung function monitoring. It utilizes advanced techniques such as electrical impedance tomography (EIT), body surface potential mapping (BSPM), and electrical capacitance tomography (ECT) to provide accurate information about physiological parameters. The LETS system allows one-time examinations and continuous monitoring 24 hours a day. Remotely measuring and monitoring parameters such as the electrical activity of the heart muscle, blood flow, blood pressure, pulse, and lung aeration enables rapid identification and intervention in case of abnormalities. The system also allows for the detection of cardiac arrhythmias and other heart disorders, as well as the assessment of lung respiratory capacity and optimization of ventilation strategies. However, it's important to note that the LETS system has some limitations. For example, it may not be suitable for patients with certain pacemakers or other implanted devices. Overall, LETS represents a breakthrough in medical imaging, opening up new possibilities in diagnosing and monitoring heart and lung diseases. Its integration may contribute to improving patient care and increasing the effectiveness of medical interventions.
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