The role of bioethics - between human rights and prison overcrowding
Università degli Studi di Genova
Data publikacji: 03-07-2018
JoMS 2013;19(4):389-404
The ethics of care is a possible link between prison health and medicine, quality of care and treatment. On the base of that subject held proposal of a comparative research project between the Italian penitentiary health system and the prison health care system in Poland. The proposal to turn a research project related to the relationship between the ethics of care, health and medicine penitentiary was born with the aim to demonstrate how the context of the latter express the many facets of the relational ethics of care and its, on the other hand, as it may provide, through medicine prison, an essential dimension of the treatment process. Usually, at least in our cultural dimension we usually consider interconnected and liberty, property and the full availability of your body : the right to health is understood as a derivative of the right to liberty and the right to life . As should be understood that right in a situation like that in which prison inmates are not free , and above all live in a particular condition of socialization independent of their choice ? The extent to which an inmate can make choices concerning their health which may cause discomfort to those who, necessarily, shares the space with him or imply higher economic costs for the community? In our society it is almost trite to say that the state must guarantee the right to health of prisoners but becomes a subject of deep reflection if this right is identified as a state of total well -being for every individual. In today’s complex and diverse social needs and the different conceptions of well -being may come into conflict.
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