The history of the State Treasury legal interests’ Protection in Poland
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej w Józefowie
Publication date: 2015-09-30
JoMS 2015;26(3):165-177
Poland has its own contribute to the development of European parliamentarism and constitutionalism. Th e State Treasury Sollicitor’s offi ce is one the institutions in a democratic country,  whose mission is representation of Poland before the national and international courts and tribunals. However, the fi rst litigation body was Th e Sollicitors’ Offi ce of the Polish Kingdom, established under the Tsarist law in 1816. Its political system followed the Austrian solutions. Th e scope of competences of that Sollicitor’s Offi ce was based on the competence model of similar institution from the times of ancient Rome – advocatus fi sci. Th e Sollicitor’s Offi ce of the Republic of Poland was established in 1919 which was subordinated to the Ministry of Treasury. Aft er the II World War existence of the Sollicitors Offi ce was continued until 1951. Aft er 1989, the idea of restoring Sollitors’ Offi ce came back. In 2005, the bill was passed on base of which Th e State Treasury Solicitors Offi ce began to function from the 15th March 2006.
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