Grade repetition as a consequence of school failures
Uniwesytet Jagielloński
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej w Warszawie
Data nadesłania: 27-06-2018
Data akceptacji: 12-09-2018
Data publikacji: 26-10-2018
Autor do korespondencji
Krzysztof Dziurzyński   

Uniwesytet Jagielloński, ul. Patriotów 100 m. 42, 04-844 Warszawa, Polska
JoMS 2018;38(3):133-148
The solution of repeating a school grade when learners do not achieve required level of knowledge or skills has as many proponents as opponents. Numerous educational systems support a grade retention as the method of obtaining better learning outcomes. In the same time other do not allow to repeat a school year and recommend automatic promotion. The growing problem of school failures, among them repeating a school grade or even dropouts, is still present in the academic discourse.

Material and methods:
Two metods: secodary analysis and content analysis

The research conducted indicates that young adults – the learners at comprehensive schools for adults who have experienced numerous educational failures but decide to continue their education – ought to be provided a special care by the educational system. The magnitude of the problem is such that it cannot be neither downplayed nor ignored. The CSO survey which omits the data pertaining to grade repetition in adult middle schools attended by many underage learners could serve as an example of such an attitude.

There is no form period in the programme of the Polish adult school. The number of classes is generally the barest minimum possible, which in no way helps the learner who is falling behind to catch up with his peers. There is also no effective system of educational help which young learners could rely upon. One could put forward here another (ceaselessly voiced since times immemorial) request addressed to the educational authorities to not so much resume a debate about the modernisation of the young adult education as implement, making use of the changes presently implemented to the Polish education system, a truly effective measures that would make it possible to undo the learner’s earlier educational failures.
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