Forms and range of actions supporting development among disabled children and youth conducted by public schools, integrated and special needs classes
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Submission date: 2018-11-29
Acceptance date: 2019-01-23
Publication date: 2019-02-04
Corresponding author
Alicja Antas-Jaszczuk   

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
JoMS 2018;39(4):73-85
The article presents a complexity while supporting disabled students in their school education and it is aimed is to establish, based on the interviews with teachers employed at schools with integrated classes, the nature and basic forms of actions undertaken in the area of supporting general growth of disabled students and oriented towards their versatile development.

Material and methods:
Supporting disabled children and youth plays an exceptional role in prevention and therapeutic work and significantly determines the process of further development of an individual. In order to know and evaluate effectiveness of forms of support aimed at disabled students’ development it was at the turn of January and February in 2018 when a quality research (based on interviews) was conducted among the group of 32 teachers employed at schools with integrated classes over the area of Lublin region

According to the interviewed teachers tasks which are included in the school curriculum should: be included in the sphere of closest student development, practice functions which are mostly endangered, make a use of strong points, bring enjoyment and attractiveness, encourage towards gaining knowledge, consider the principle of “little steps”, enable to achieve success (even of little importance) and they cannot be neither too easy nor too difficult.

In opinion of the researched teachers an essential and major task for those who are engaged in the process of supporting development of disabled children and youth is an acceptance of the individual and extended help aimed at his further achievement and development in spheres comprising intellectual, emotional, social and physical but also performing social roles, the feeling of identity and attitude towards other people
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