Practical Philosophy in the knowledge society
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Publication date: 2018-01-25
JoMS 2013;16(1):127-144
Twenty – firs century is a  tame of formation of a  new type of society called the “knowledge society”. Functioning in it requires new skills. The most important are classified as the ability solve practical problems and the ability to use knowledge in the process of constant change. The primary means for the acquisition of these skills is to parcitipate in a variety of forms of organized philosophical education for children, youth and adults in school and beyond. Among the above – mentioned form of philosophical education can be distinguished: activities conducted by Socratic, by Lego – Logos, using a  realisitc philosophy, by Lipman and workshops “Stoicism street” as well as philosophical therapy classes. The common objective of the use of all these methods is the studens acquire the “habits” of logical thinking, reasoning, analysis of text, discussions, argumentation and defining problems. Those who will be able to do so, they may be refered to as “creative thinkers”. Knowledge society undoubtedly thinkers. They are in fact people, able to navigate the shifting sands of post – modern reality in which there people live.
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