Evolution of Secret Services in Poland. Legal and Social Dimension
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Submission date: 2023-11-28
Acceptance date: 2023-12-20
Publication date: 2023-12-30
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JoMS 2023;53(4):658-679
The aim of the analyzes presented in this study is to introduce considerations on the relationship between the perception of secret services and the shape of the legal system regulating their functioning in the Republic of Poland over the last 25 years.

Material and methods:
The subject of the research is the Polish legal system, within which standards of conduct regarding the role and functions of secret services are identified. Dogmatic-legal method; literature analysis; analysis of media messages

Undoubtedly, the goal achieved in this paper is to sketch the general framework of the relations between the secret services, public opinion and the law. Both in the context of the perception of the secret services themselves, as well as the areas of identifying and decoding legal norms regarding the secret services in Poland, which, as part of further work, will make it easier to structure the analysis of selected norms, but also the interaction that occurs between law and society in the context of the perception of the services.

Based on the analyzes presented above, we can partially identify specific areas of research and try to draw certain conclusions, but only a detailed analysis will allow us to provide precise answers to the indicated questions. After such an introduction to the topic of the evolution of secret services, subsequent works will provide more detailed answers to the questions indicated in the introduction, namely What definitions of secret services can we adopt under Polish law? What functions are performed by secret services in Poland? What is the relationship between the secret services and other services? Is the role of the secret services in Poland increasing or is their importance weakening and are they being marginalized?
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