Europeanization of the public administration of the Republic of Albania
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Submission date: 2024-05-31
Final revision date: 2024-08-13
Acceptance date: 2024-08-13
Publication date: 2024-09-22
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JoMS 2024;58(4):457-474
The course and status of the process of Europeanization of public administration in Albania

Material and methods:
Analysis of existing data in the form of available research results, legal and strategic documents, scientific and expert studies

Thanks to the mechanisms of unification and standardization, changes implemented at the EU level become part of the national order, leading to uniform solutions operating in all EU Member States. Albania is moderately prepared in the area of public administration and is progressing towards the standardization of public administration.

EU countries operate in a common administrative space, which forces, on the one hand, formal and legal standardization, and on the other hand, the creation of specific administrative cultures, taking into account the local specificity of each member country. Therefore, two processes can be distinguished, running in parallel and interdependently. One of them is a systemic, institutionalized process of modernizing public administration, referring to the implemented EU and national policies. The second, normatively and culturally conditioned social awareness, determined by the social variability of the surrounding world. The processes of EU enlargement, Europeanization of national administrations and administrative convergence are dynamic, and their systemic results concern the quality of administrative institutions, national or regional traditions, organizational culture and geopolitical aspects.

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