The ethics of communication in Habermas overcomes the contrasts of a multicultural society and proposes inclusion of differences and differences, given that they are not a diminutive but an opportunity for comparison for the formation of a free and democratic society. The agreement between the dialoguing parties is a fundamental element of communicative action and is an essential basis for an ethical-juridical universalism, thanks to which all men are defended in their human rights.
Kant I. (1995), Per la pace perpetua si trova in Scritti di storia politica di diritto, in: F. Gonnelli, Scritti di storia, politica e diritto, Roma – Bari: Laterza.
Pedroni V. (1999), Ragione e comunicazione. Pensiero e linguaggio nella filosofia di Karl Otto Apel e Jürgen Habermas, Milano: Guerini. ISBN 9788883350245.
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