Distance education and social conditions emigrants polish in Great Britain to followers of other religions
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Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
Publication date: 2014-09-30
JoMS 2014;21(2):11-36
A still continuing high level of migration of Poles causes them all sorts of repercussions. Frequently, already at the time of arrival in a new country, they are affected by a sense of alienation stemming inter alia from insufficient knowledge about the culture of the country of stay. This is reflected, among others, by distancing towards people of other nationalities or religions (cf. R. Bera, 2008). This may lead to adverse results in the form of separation or marginalization of these people. The aim of the study was to determine the importance of education in shaping social distance of Polish emigrants to people of different faiths. The studies included followers of major religions of the world: Christianity (Catholicism, Orthodoxy), Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism. The study involved 262 people, including 137 Poles living in economic emigration in England and 125 citizens of the host country - the English. The sample selection was of random character. To measure the social distance an adapted version of E. Boards scale was used. It was distributed using social networking websites and in this way it was acquired. The study of Polish immigrants showed that their perception of other faiths depends on the level of their education. In particular, it refers to the followers of religions such as Islam, Hinduism and Judaism. Frequently Poles with secondary education perceive their subjects differently, more negatively. The situation is different with regard to the English under study. In general, they declare their positive attitude towards the followers of other religions. Their level of distancing themselves is fairly homogeneous, more sympathetic, and not dependent on their level of education. In none of the cases examined there was any difference at a statistically significant level.
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