Real estate investments as a form of personal finance management in Poland
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Lublin University of Technology, Department of Management, Lublin, Poland
Lublin University of Technology, Department of Management, Lublin, Poland;
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2023-11-22
Acceptance date: 2023-12-01
Publication date: 2023-12-18
Corresponding author
Aleksandra Maja Zalewska   

Lublin University of Technology, Department of Management, Lublin, Poland
JoMS 2023;54(Numer specjalny 5):318-337
The aim of the article is to analyse selected factors influencing real estate investment in Poland in the context of personal finance management. The considerations include a discussion of the adopted principles of research conduct, including the research plan and research methodology.

Material and methods:
The observed diversity in real estate investment decisions required a survey. The explanatory variables were the level of education, the current ownership of real estate and the level of income Quantitative research was carried out on a group of 1000 respondents using the Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) and Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) methods. The Likert method was used in the study. Pearson's independence test was used to examine the relationship between the adopted explanatory variables and the readiness to invest in real estate in Poland.

The study showed a relationship between the explanatory variables and the explanatory variable. This means that people with higher education, people who already own a property, and people with higher incomes are more likely to invest.

The results of the study indicate the target groups on the Polish real estate market to developers and can be used by them practically. The readiness of the Polish society to invest in real estate, explained by the factors used, will allow us to understand the behaviour of particular social groups, especially in the post-crisis period.
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