Dylemat zrównoważonej konsumpcji i zrównoważonego
rozwoju w prawie międzynarodowym i UE
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej w Józefowie
Data publikacji: 30-09-2015
JoMS 2015;26(3):101-113
Sustainable consumption and sustainable development are the two
areas of action with the signifi cant infl uence on each state’s economy,
especially the developed one. Sustainable consumption does not have to
mean lowering the intensity of consuming – it should be rather connected
with effi ciency. In the defi nitions of sustainable consumption and development
there are particularly emphasized the element of future and protection
of living environment. For this purpose we should introduce and
implement the policy of pro-ecologic education and educating citizens
about the issues concerning selection of products and services and their
impact on the environment. Sustainable consuming is also just, intergenerational
and intragenerational using of the Earth’s resources considering
abilities of absorbing and neutralizing implemented substances and
waste. Otherwise there occurs air pollution, soil contamination, decrease
of fresh water quantity, accumulation of waste, increasing economic and
social disproportions, thus lowering of ecologic safety and deterioration
of living conditions.