The article presents the most important drama techniques used in the work with
children in Slovak republic, such as: stepping into the role and improvisation.
Also discusses a method of activating student in the teaching process – a teaching
game. The opinions of the theoreticians and practitioners of drama (eg A. Dziedzic,
A. Pruszkowska, K. Witerska) concerning her educational and educational values
and examples of dramatic exercises (eg pantomime etiquettes, improvised scenes,
sensitivity sensory exercises) pupils in early school education.
The specificity of the article is an exposition of creative drama as a method of
appealing to the creative imagination of pupils and developing their creativity.
Šimonová, B. (1997). Tvorivá dramatika, dramatická výchova či dramatizácia?, [in:] Tvorivá dramatika v škole a v záujmovej činnosti. Zborník príspevkov z celoslovenskej konferencie Donovaly 24–25.05.1996, Banská Bystrica: MPC.
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