The population is a source of a country’s state potential that aids the achievement
of strategic plans. Well-being of the population is a guarantee of successful
implementation of employment programs in the context of market economics.
The main task of state regulation is to reach the desired goal and targets under the
conditions of contemporary and actual environment.
Research objective
The objective is to review the implementation of state programmes in regards
to population employment and to analyse the actual concepts of state politics
development in regards to employment, its efficiency in the present environment of
social tension of a region – Aktobe oblast.
By means of analysis the general scientific research methods have been defined
– system methods based on analysis and evaluation of practical and operative data of
official statistical sources of Committee on Statistics of Republic of Kazakhstan, the
data of city department of Aktobe Employment Centre.
The article generalizes the systems of state principles in implementation of state
programmes for elimination of social threats leading to different external and internal
threats, poverty and social tension in the region. It reveals the legal steps and responsibility
of the employment parties, relationship of unemployed citizens and the state.
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