Developing a diagnostic system: combining ultrasound and electrical impedance tomography for enhanced urinary tract analysis
WSEI University
Netrix S.A.
Data nadesłania: 28-06-2024
Data akceptacji: 18-07-2024
Data publikacji: 20-08-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Leszek Gil   

WSEI University
JoMS 2024;57(Numer specjalny 3):652-667
The study aims to develop a reconstruction and measurement system for data analysis using ultrasound transmission tomography (UST) and electrical impedance tomography (EIT), which can be implemented in wearable solutions for non-invasive monitoring and diagnosis of functional urinary tract disorders. Functional disorders can be associated with many urinary system defects, constipation, and central nervous system defects (spina bifida, cerebral palsy). The lack of non-invasive diagnostic methods for a functional and comprehensive analysis of the state of the urinary tract reduces the likelihood of a correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Furthermore, constructing a physical model of a tomograph is problematic due to the complexity of acoustic phenomena necessary for modeling in the case of a heterogeneous environment of propagation of waves in small, limited spaces. Nevertheless, the radial propagation model used in UST is sufficient for effectively detecting disturbances in the interior of objects and is used in medical solutions. The innovation of the solution lies in the simultaneous assessment of urinary tract function based on the analysis of images obtained using EIT and UST. As a non-invasive diagnostic, UST allows for visualization of the body's internal structures (including muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs). However, UST-based diagnostic systems of the urinary tract are not present in world markets. Moreover, building such a system requires solving many problems: limited research fields, dependence on the body structure, difficulties in imaging bone structures, and areas filled with gases.
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