Corruption prevention in Lithuania’s Police and in the State Border Guard Service
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Mykolas Romeris University Faculty of Public Security Department of Police Activity
Mykolas Romeris University Faculty of Public Security Department of State Border Guard
Publication date: 2018-07-03
JoMS 2013;19(4):333-352
Corruption exists where the government is. The manifestations of corruption are everywhere the government and its institutions which make decisions exist. Scientists started showing interest in the problem of corruption only on the second part of decade when Lithuania became independent. The criminal acts of corrupt character in the act of corruption prevention of the Republic of Lithuania are described as bribery, influence marketing, a bribe and other criminal acts if they are rendered in the public administrative sector or extending public service aiming for profit for themselves or other parties such as corrupt practices or going beyond their commission, misuse of official authority, falsification of papers or measures, fraud, wealth appropriation or dissipation, revelation of a service secret, disclosure of a commercial secret, introduction of false information about income, profit or wealth, capital or money legalisation which are obtained in criminal manner, interference in the proceedings of a public official or a person who fulfils public administrative functions or the rest criminal acts which result in taking or trying for a bribe , bribery or covering up for bribery. The national development of law pays most attention to the administrative corruption and the prevention of officers’ misuse at work. As a result, further to this article the authoresses are going to pay most attention to manifestations of corruption in Lithuania’s police and the State Border Guard Service.
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