China and Africa. Cooperation Outlook after the 6th FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa
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Szkoła Główna Handlowa
Publication date: 2016-09-30
JoMS 2016;30(3):157-180
China’s rising international activity, among other directions, has led its interest to Africa. The continent, long dominated by the presence of the European and American investors, recently opened for cooperation with China, offering many opportunities in various fields. Within the last decade China has taken an important place in Africa’s economic development by its share in trade, investment and financial cooperation. The Forum on China – Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is one of the most efficient instruments strengthening cooperation between China and Africa in various sectors. The paper deals with the issue of China-Africa cooperation outlook within the frame of the last FOCAC summit. At the beginning the paper investigates the general place of Africa in China’s foreign policy within the last decades, followed by the last FOCAC summit decisions. The next section analyses the results of cooperation within FOCAC in two fields: economic and social ones. In the final part of the essay the problems of cooperation are identified, followed by the final remarks.
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