The legal naute of supervisory decisiopns of the Counsil of Scientific Eexellence.
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Brak instytucji naukowej
Submission date: 2022-04-04
Final revision date: 2022-05-23
Acceptance date: 2022-05-26
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Corresponding author
Artur Woźniak   

Brak instytucji naukowej
JoMS 2022;48(1):183-205
Supervision over entities performing public tasks is one of the most important elements of the proper functioning of the state. The decentralization of state power, consisting in assigning public tasks to certain entities, in particular in the specialized social sphere, such as the system of scientific promotions, including the authorization to establish internal law within this system, is inextricably linked with the need to supervise them. In this system, the legislator has provided for special supervisory powers for the institution that performs the function of the central government administration body in the field of proceedings conducted by it, which is the Council of Scientific Excellence. Due to the complexity of the system of scientific promotions, including the procedures for scientific promotion themselves, the nature of supervision over them is varied. Thus, as part of this work, an attempt was made to analyze the applicable legal provisions related to the supervision by the Council of Scientific Excellence over doctoral entities and habilitation entities, taking into account the scope of the activity in question and the types of decisions taken within its framework. Bearing the above in mind, the hypothesis was decided that the provisions of the do not exhaustively regulate the supervisory powers of the Council of Scientific Excellence, under which the issued decisions, understood as legal forms of public administration, have a different legal nature.

Material and methods:
Research methods: legal-dogmatic and legal-empirical. Materials: literature on the subject, legal acts, regulations of doctoral and postdoctoral entities

Confirmation of the research hypothesis.

confirmation of the research hypothesis
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