Challenges of dating of fingerprints and bloodstains
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide de Gasperi
Data nadesłania: 05-01-2018
Data akceptacji: 26-10-2018
Data publikacji: 26-10-2018
Autor do korespondencji
Krzysztof Krassowski   

Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide de Gasperi, ul. Sienkiewicza 4, 05-410 Józefów, Polska
JoMS 2018;38(3):209-219
Cel pracy A reliable dating of forensic traces revealed at the crime scenes is still one of the most challenging issues of forensic science. While there are lot of proprietary research and development methods being promoted and applied within various fields of forensic research, the issue in question remains largely unresolved and as such justifies an evaluation. Materiał i metody As fingerprints and bloodstains are nowadays one of the most important types of forensic traces often revealed at crime scenes worldwide and utilized in practice for human identification purposes, a descriptive method has been applied to present current research paths and a potential to provide long awaited resolution of the issue in question. Wyniki A review of research approaches undertaken by various forensic scientists and joint research teams leads to the conclusion a progress has been achieved through utilization of both new research concepts and application of fast evolving and advancing technologies, yet no scientifically proven ultimate solutions have been presented. Wnioski This issue remains controversial and still unresolved despite numerous attempts to establish both commonly agreed and reliable markers or characteristics corresponding to a complex issue of ageing of forensic traces, as there are various internal and external factors impacting the process in question.
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