Building awareness of the first aid among the primary school children in Poland – the effects of a training in practical chest compressions
John Paul II University of Applied Sciences, Biala Podlaska, Poland
Academy of Applied Sciences Mieszka I, Poznań, Poland
Early education teacher, Lukow, Poland
Department of Education and Research in Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
Main School of the Fire Service in Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Siedlce, Poland
Data nadesłania: 29-12-2021
Data ostatniej rewizji: 19-11-2022
Data akceptacji: 02-02-2023
Data publikacji: 29-04-2023
Autor do korespondencji
Łukasz Dudziński   

John Paul II University of Applied Sciences, Biala Podlaska, Poland
JoMS 2023;50(1):8-21
Practical classes in first aid held for young people attending schools, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation, are a very popular form of non-compulsory classes, not included in the basic curriculum mandatory for all pupils. The teachers are eager to invite paramedics to schools as instructors running workshops in rescue techniques, terms of safe behaviour in the face of a threat and the correct way to call a Medical Rescue Team (MRT).

Material and methods:
The study included 97 pupils from primary schools in Lubelskie Voivodeship. The study group were pupils from years 6 through 8 (aged 12-14). The training station was connected to a computer with the SkillReporter QCPR (Laerdal) software, which allowed controlling and archiving test results. Subsequently, each pupil provided CPR within the specific timeframe of 2 minutes (i.e. for the maximum of 120 seconds).

The study included 97 pupils: 60 boys (61.9%) and 37 girls (38.1%). Age profile of the pupils: 12 years old (n=31), 13 years old (n=34) and 14 years old (n=32). 94 pupils completed the planned task fully (a 2-minute cycle of chest compressions on a training model). Three pupils ended the task after 102, 105 and 114 seconds out of the planned 120. Children who have a lower BMI much more frequently carried out CPR incorrectly as they compressed the chest too shallowly compared to children with higher BMI (rho = 0.216, p = 0.033).

The awareness and skills of schoolchildren in the field of first aid should be developed from the earliest possible moment. Children with a lower BMI value were characterized by significantly more frequent errors in CPR in terms of too shallow pressure performance than children with higher BMI values. There was no statistically significant influence of age group and gender on the quality of CPR performance.
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