Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in the structures of the prison service in Poland
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Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
Submission date: 2023-01-31
Final revision date: 2023-10-09
Acceptance date: 2023-10-11
Publication date: 2023-10-31
Corresponding author
Anna Borucka   

Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna
JoMS 2023;52(3):210-229
The main research objective was to examine the suitability of the BSP system to ensure effective support for penitentiary units in the performance of daily business tasks. The main research problem was formulated in the form of a question: What functionalities of the UAV system are useful for the tasks performed by SW? The main research hypothesis took the form of an assumption that the functionalities possessed by UAVs can provide significant support in the performance of tasks by PS officers and constitute an element of their development that should be implemented. The collected material of the researchers was used to formulate proving conclusions on the suitability of unmanned systems for official tasks performed by the Prison Service.

Material and methods:
interview questionnaire

The collected material of the researchers was used to formulate conclusions proving the usefulness of unmanned systems for official tasks performed by the Prison Service

UAV technologies in the form of monitoring and observation seem to be the most desirable technologies among the surveyed officers.
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