Safety of the public finances in Poland
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Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Gorzowie Wielkopolski
Publication date: 2015-06-30
JoMS 2015;25(2):231-239
The Polish public finance requires the reform at present. Th ere at present
is probably no not a single one sphere of our social life, in which the
offi cial authority is in the state in an optimal way or at least decently to
perform one’s functions towards the society and the economy. Units of
the sector of the public fi nance to a lesser degree are endangered with
loss of the ability to continue activity, because aren’t subject to the recipes
associated with the bankruptcy of the business entity. However it doesn’t
mean that they cannot be liquidated, when their further activity is threatening
the fi nancial liquidity and the solvency of the superior organ. What
the public fi nance is supposed to enable the optimum performance of her
function in relation to. States should and so be adapted for the being of
the political and social-economic system and to correspond to his level of
development of civilization.
In the article a security system of the public fi nance was presented in
Poland with the division into the security system strategic and operating,
control in the sector of the public fi nance and responsibility for the breach
of discipline of the public fi nance, as well as conditioning of overcoming
the crisis in the public finance you.