Being happy in unhappy time: life satisfaction and subjective happiness in the background of demographic variables among female Syrian refugees, Poles and Turks
Objectives: The main aim of our research was to explore if individuals may feel happy in difficult refugee conditions and whether demographic variables are connected to the level of happiness and the life satisfaction.
Material and methods: The perceived levels of happiness and of satisfaction with life were measured in three groups of women: Turkish, Polish and refugees from Syria living in Turkey. The life situation of female Syrian refugees seems to be more difficult than that of Turkish and Polish women who have not experienced the suffering associated with the war, leaving their country and adapting to new living conditions in a foreign environment. A total of 120 people took part in the study. The Subjective Happiness Scale and the Satisfaction With Life Scale were used in the research.
Results: The obtained results indicate that Syrian women are less happy and satisfied with life than Polish and Turkish women. Their satisfaction with life and sense of happiness are not related to age, education levels and time of being a refugee. It turned out, however, that Syrian refugee women's senses of happiness and life satisfaction are associated with the incongruence between their learned profession and their current occupation.
Conclusions: The research results indicate that despite difficult refugee experiences, far away from homes new possibilities might be opened. This conclusion seems to be important for planning integration policies.
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