Objectives: The aim of the article is to present customer satisfaction measurement indicators used by one of the Polish energy conglomerates in two business lines.
Material and methods: The areas subjected to satisfaction studies by the individual business lines of one of the Polish energy conglomerates have been compared.
Results: Satisfaction surveys, thanks to a consistent measurement methodology, allow for the comparability of results obtained in subsequent years. This provides the opportunity to gather information about the level of satisfaction, enabling the company to improve customer service, better organize individual processes, and facilitate more efficient information flow. At the same time, these surveys allow for benchmarking against competitors, enabling swift action in areas where the company is outperformed by the competition
Conclusions: The satisfaction surveys conducted by the trading company can be considered quite extensive and tailored to the specifics of its operations. They allow for the control and adjustment of actions in order to provide services at the highest level. The situation is different for the distribution company, which operates as a natural monopoly. The areas covered by the satisfaction measurement stem from the specific nature of its operations. Compared to the trading company, many areas in the distribution company have not been included in the satisfaction surveys.
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