Attitude towards money among young adults versus positive orientation and self-esteem
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Faculty of Management University of Warsaw
Polish Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities
Management Academy of Applied Sciences in Warsaw
Submission date: 2022-09-10
Final revision date: 2023-05-17
Acceptance date: 2023-05-23
Publication date: 2023-07-29
Corresponding author
Leszek Borowiec   

Faculty of Management University of Warsaw
JoMS 2023;51(2):468-487
These studies investigate a relationship between positive orientation, self-esteem, and attitudes towards money in young adults. The Covid-19 pandemic has left a significant mark on the lives of many people and young adults are particularly at risk because they do not have a stable position in the labour market.

Material and methods:
The group of respondents was manually restricted to young adults, so analyses were conducted on a group of 296 people. Responses were collected online, through the Cognito Forms. Tools were used in the research: the author's sociodemographic questionnaire, the P Scale to measure the intensity of positive orientation, the Morris Rosenberg SES Self-Esteem Scale to measure self-esteem, and SPP-25 to measure attitudes towards money.

There were 2 main hypotheses in the study: hypothesis one assuming a relationship between positive orientation and attitudes toward money, and hypothesis two assuming a relationship between self-esteem and attitudes towards money. All main hypotheses were confirmed. In addition, 9 detailed hypotheses were put forward regarding the correlation of individual dimensions of attitudes towards money and positive orientation and self-esteem.

Obtained results are of a practical nature and can be used, inter alia, in individual work with people who want to improve their financial situation. Research has shown that people with higher self-esteem and a greater intensity of positive orientation exhibit instrumental attitudes to a greater extent, and symbolic attitudes to a lesser extent. Young adults were the subject of the study, therefore results cannot be generalized to the entire population. It is justified to conduct research also in other age groups.
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