Artificial Intelligence and Social-Emotional Learning: what relationship?
Aldo Moro University Italy, Bari
Data nadesłania: 27-09-2024
Data akceptacji: 03-12-2024
Data publikacji: 29-12-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Rosa Indellicato   

Aldo Moro University Italy, Bari
JoMS 2024;60(6):460-470
Among the skills included in the Compass for Tomorrow are new skills for teachers and educators in the context of emotional artificial intelligence. Is it possible to teach social-emotional skills? And how is it possible to do so? Can socio-emotional competences be considered as curricular standards? This contribution aims to answer these questions, highlighting opportunities and risks that the digital revolution and affective computing pose today.

Material and methods:
In order to explore the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), a multidisciplinary approach combining technological and psycho-pedagogical research methods is required. Main sources: scientific databases (e.g. Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus), educational and technological journals; case studies where AI is integrated into SEL programmes.

Artificial intelligence can play a key role in teaching social-emotional skills, helping students develop skills such as empathy, self-management, social awareness, and effective interpersonal relationships. AI platforms can create simulated or interactive scenarios that allow students to practise managing complex social situations.

In conclusion, we can say that AI can help teachers in their work by facilitating the identification of suitable strategies to foster and develop social-emotional competences in students. It can also help to broaden and achieve that vision suitable for understanding and fostering school inclusion, which is the goal to be achieved (Rivoltella, 2014). It must also be emphasised that training and refresher courses are needed to use robotics correctly, to assist schools in their choice of aid and to train teachers in the acquisition of skills or teaching practices that make its use effective.
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