Analyzing marketing campaign effectiveness: a comparative approach using traditional and online data analysis methods
WSEI University
Vistula University in Warsaw
Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis University
Data nadesłania: 28-05-2024
Data akceptacji: 13-07-2024
Data publikacji: 20-08-2024
JoMS 2024;57(Numer specjalny 3):402-416
Advertising campaign analysis reports are considered an essential tool for marketing analytics. They are used to assess the effectiveness of the marketing activities carried out and to improve future activities. It is necessary to verify whether the actions taken - online and in the public space - align with the intentions and budget, whether they lead to achieving the objectives, and, if not, what the campaign errors are. Due to the ease of collecting and accessing data, analyzing online and social media advertising campaigns is a popular topic. With access to data on the number of clicks, the ad's reach, the number of interactions, and so on, one can move on to the next steps of analyzing the campaign to determine its effectiveness. Online marketing tools have a massive advantage over traditional media channels. When analyzing the results of advertising campaigns, it is necessary to approach the examination of the individual channels and then analyze which of them is the most profitable and in which to invest the most. However, traditional campaigns must be addressed in the analyses. Despite the limited data available, collecting relevant information and analyzing the traditional campaign is worth trying. In the case of conventional campaigns, we can mainly measure the amount of sales resulting from the campaigns. When dealing with an online campaign, we gain many additional indicators, such as the number of ad impressions, clicks, and conversions. In both cases, analysis tools may allow us to isolate factors that significantly influence the success or failure of a campaign and predict the effectiveness of a campaign with given characteristics.
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