Theoretical and empirical analysis of the phenomenon of phonoholism among the students of pedagogy
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Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach Filia w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Publication date: 2015-12-31
JoMS 2015;27(4):417-436
The article is devoted to the issue of the addiction to a mobile phone. It is treated as a new social problem and educational challenge. The first part is devoted to the role of a mobile phone in life of a young person. The addiction to a mobile phone was defined and its aetiology was described. Typical features of a person who is psychologically addicted were described. The second part presents the results of the research the aim of which was to gain knowledge concerning dominating forms of using mobile phones by the students of pedagogy. The last part of the article presents the results and conclusions concerning the students who participated in the research. The analysis of the conducted research confirms the tendency to the new addiction called phonoholism. Therefore, there is a need to popularize knowledge concerning new addictions, especially among parents and pedagogues.
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