Analysis of online information searching practices among media studies students
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University of Lower Silesia
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2024-03-04
Final revision date: 2024-08-16
Acceptance date: 2024-08-22
Publication date: 2024-09-22
JoMS 2024;58(4):375-391
Acquiring and selecting information are key skills in today's world. According to researchers, information retrieval is among the four so-called basic skills - alongside writing, reading, and arithmetic. Information competencies enable effective learning, significantly impacting the efficiency of the learning process and research exploration. It constitutes a crucial element of adaptation to changing conditions in the information environment and facilitates continuous learning. These competencies should already be possessed by students. Therefore, it was decided to examine first-year media studies students
Material and methods:
In December 2023, students from the fields of journalism and social communication, as well as media design and image marketing, at the University of Lower Silesia (DSW) in Wrocław, received survey questionnaires. These were distributed electronically, created, and made available through the Microsoft Forms application. The questionnaire consisted of 30 closed-ended questions, including 3 allowing for multiple choice among the provided answers. In total, 283 individuals were surveyed. The study indicated that students are aware of the importance of possessing competencies.
The study revealed that students are aware of the importance of possessing information literacy, but they are not aware of the difficulties associated with the thorough assessment of sources. The sources they use most often are social media, rather than scientific sources supported by authoritative, peer-reviewed expertise.
The vast majority of students do not acquire information competencies in school. Therefore, it seems justified to include content related to seeking reliable sources, selection and critical assessment of information in higher education curricula.
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