Tutoring akademicki jako forma wsparcia studentów
zagranicznych w adaptacji do nowych warunków życia
i nauki w Polsce
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Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Publication date: 2015-06-30
JoMS 2015;25(2):195-218
Student migrations are becoming more and more important part of
international translocation of young people, which is exemplifi ed by the
statistics of students’ dynamic mobility. Traveling abroad to acquire higher
education in a foreign country is both an opportunity to progress and
a cause of problems. Foreign students are usually at the periphery of society
when they arrive at another country, where the culture and language
are diff erent than in their homeland. Immigrants also feel the weakening
of family and friend bonds. They have to find their way through the new
environment, which may be extremely hard, provided they do not have
any migration supportive social network. Th is is why, actions to support
student migration societies are crucial. One of the actions may be introducing
academic tutoring to tertiary-level schools. Tutoring is a method
of individualized education, based on an individual and supportive relationship
between a student and a tutor. The basic assumptions of tutoring
are: taking care of an integral development of a protege, concentrating on
personal problems and needs of a student, eliciting his hidden potential,
bonding with him, and taking into account his values and personal aims
during work. Basing on these principles, tutoring may help educational
migrants to adapt to a new living and academic environment.