A good restorative justice practice in an italian school
University of Bari Aldo Moro
Data nadesłania: 25-04-2023
Data ostatniej rewizji: 14-06-2023
Data akceptacji: 15-06-2023
Data publikacji: 29-07-2023
Autor do korespondencji
Giuseppe Liverano   

University of Bari Aldo Moro
JoMS 2023;51(2):288-306
School is the formal context deputed to the education and learning of children, but it is also the first and most important place for socialisation with non-chosen peers and non-neighbouring adults. From these premises one can only conclude that pupils and students who display behaviour that transgresses the rules of civil and democratic coexistence manifest an educational need. Just as error is an opportunity for learning, a school incapable of inclusion would manifest a lack of planning and an inability to value the uniqueness of each one. In the direction of promoting transformative educational actions from a constructive point of view, of the errors committed, an italian school, has developed a project aimed at transforming the transgression of a school rule into an opportunity for individual and systemic-relational growth. The contribution highlights briefly, the salient aspects of the project and the results in terms of learning some competences for life through the approach of committed pedagogy oriented towards inclusion.
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