System of extended aesthetic education of a personality over a lifelong period
Международный экономико-гуманитарный университет имени академика Степана Демьянчука International University of Economics & Humanities named after academician Stepan Demianchuk
Data publikacji: 30-09-2014
JoMS 2014;22(3):219-337
The article examines the issues of extended education. Today, there are different definitions of «extended education» in scientific literature. We are interested in extended education as education throughout all life. Implementation of extended education is necessary to ensure the dynamics of knowledge production, strengthening their influence on the development of science and technology, economic growth and competitiveness. We live in the restless world of human’s alienation from his essence, spiritual alienation from spiritual sources that are easily destroyed every day without their saving. To avoid losing these spiritual sources, we need to stop decreasing morale and loss of life values. Aesthetic principles can play significant role in the process of personality enrichment that help to restore and broadcast aesthetic culture in all diversity of world standards and promote education of a creative personality. Aesthetic culture is an important component of the spiritual aspect of a personality. Human’s intelligence, creative aspirations and direction of activities, special spirituality to the world and other people depends on its presence and degree of development. Formation and development of aesthetic culture is a gradual process influenced by many factors during all life. Sooner a person falls within the scope of purposeful aesthetic impact, there are more reasons of its effectiveness.
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